NYC. I attended a beautiful Shabbat service this evening. "In general, our tradition asserts love over fear. And, in general, our tradition asserts openness over closedness. And, in general our tradition asserts faith amidst uncertainty, and a push for hope amidst despair. And there is reason to hope when one thinks of where we were in March of 2020... We have acquired wisdom to know how to find our way through... We go down in order to go up... In feeling the sense of down, we know how to go up."
NYC. It's a busy website season. Check out the latest: You can also read the most recent newsletters here and here - spotlighting playwright/poet Zac Kline, Oscar and Emmy nominee Julian Schlossberg, internationally acclaimed actress Sheetal Sheth, Guggenheim winner Karen Hartman, actress Sharina Martin, and Emmy nominee Rob Rapley.