NYC. Le Self Tape. I love opportunities to audition, and I love meeting potential collaborators, and I deeply appreciate all those who work to make them happen. Auditions are a strange (and important) exercise within the "Could we work together?" game. My favorite part of a great audition experience is the ability to have time to play with the material, and the ability to play with those on the other side of the proverbial table. That's not always how it works out, though; and, sometimes, there are a lot of reasons for that—both onscreen and onstage. There are all kinds of constraints, due to time and resources. What can be very stressful is feeling like you're the only one showing up for the date, or the only one interested in the date. (Add—this is an informative breakdown from IndieWire regarding Covid/Post-Covid auditioning for the screen).
A lot has changed in the last 3 years, some of it for the better, and some of it for the worse. Impending strikes upon us... #pandemicfallout #newworld Comments are closed.