DC & NYC. It's been a sad few weeks for the American theater.
On July 29th, Arena Stage founder, Zelda Fichandler, passed away. She was 91. Here is her obit in the Washington Post. On August 2nd, the theater community also lost the founder of Signature Theatre, James Houghton. He was 57. I knew Jim, though not as intimately as many others. Jim possessed remarkable leadership skills. He was a visionary and just such a kind, openhearted comrade and mentor to so, so many. He advised me at various points during the last decade, and I will be forever grateful for his wise counsel. Here is a beautiful tribute by Michael Feingold in The Village Voice, & another wonderful piece by Oskar Eustis for American Theatre Magazine. Also, here are some really incredible words from the playwrights he loved & championed - to say he will be missed is a gross understatement. RIP. Comments are closed.